======================= CodeMirror ======================= https://github.com/codemirror/codemirror Instructions to import 'CodeMirror' into Moodle: 1. Download the latest release from https://github.com/codemirror/codemirror 2. Execute 'npm install' 3. Copy 'lib/codemirror.js' into 'amd/src/codemirror.js': 3.a. Add /*eslint-ignore*/ to the beginning of the file. 4. Copy 'mode/sql/sql.js' into 'amd/src/sql.js': 4.a. Add /*eslint-ignore*/ to the beginning of the file. 4.b. Replace lib reference reference ------------------ define(["../../lib/codemirror"], mod); ------------------ to ------------------ define(["block_configurable_reports/codemirror"], mod); ------------------ 5. Copy all the styles from 'lib/codemirror.css' into the "CodeMirror styles" section in 'styles.css'. 6. Execute grunt to compile js grunt js ======================= DataTables ======================= https://cdn.datatables.net/releases.html Instructions to import 'DataTables' into Moodle: 1. Download the latest release for 'jquery.dataTables.js' from https://cdn.datatables.net/releases.html 2. Copy 'jquery.dataTables.js' into 'amd/src/jquery.dataTables.js': 2.a. Add /*eslint-ignore*/ to the beginning of the file. 3. Download 'css/jquery.dataTables.css' and replace all the references from: ------------------ url('../images/xxxxx.png') ------------------ to ------------------ url([[pix:block_configurable_reports|datatable/xxxxx]]) ------------------ 4. Copy the new 'css/jquery.dataTables.css' after replacing the references to the image folder into the "DataTables styles" section in 'styles.css'. 5. Execute grunt to compile js grunt js ======================= TableSorter ======================= https://github.com/Mottie/tablesorter Instructions to import 'TableSorter' into Moodle: 1. Download the latest release from https://github.com/Mottie/tablesorter 2. Copy 'js/jquery.tablesorter.js' into 'amd/src/jquery.tablesorter.js': 2.a. Add the following lines to the beginning of the file: ------------------ /*eslint-ignore*/ (function(factory){ if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd){ define(['jquery'], factory); } else if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof module.exports === 'object'){ module.exports = factory(require('jquery')); } else { factory(jQuery); } }(function(jQuery){ ------------------ 2.b. Add the following lines at the end of the file: ------------------ return jQuery.tablesorter;})); ------------------ 3. Execute grunt to compile js grunt js ======================= pChart ======================= http://www.pchart.net/ Instructions to import 'pChart' into Moodle: 1. Access to the 'lib/' folder 2. Remove the 'pChart2' folder. 3. Download the latest release for this library compatible with PHP 7 from https://github.com/bozhinov/pChart2.0-for-PHP7 using the following command: git clone -b 7.x-compatible https://github.com/bozhinov/pChart2.0-for-PHP7.git pChart2 3.a. Remove the folders 'examples' and 'cache' and the file 'index.php'.